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Sinomach Hainan Boosts Friendly Cooperation Between China and Brazil

Release time:2024-06-06 Article source: Reading times: A+AA-

Beijing,June5-- This year marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil. To foster deeper friendly cooperation between the two countries, Mr.Zhang Xiaolun, the Chairman of the Board of Sinomach Group, met with a visiting delegation led by Paulo Teixeira, Brazil's Minister of Rural Development and Family Farming, at the Sinomach Group. The two sides exchanged views on further strengthening their collaboration. Mr.Zhou Kaiquan, the Vice General Manager of Sinomach Group; and Mr.Cai Jibo, the Chairman of the Board of Sinomach Hainan, also attended the meeting.


On the same day, the "China-Brazil Business Seminar" was held in Beijing.Mr.Cai Jibo, the Chairman of the Board of Sinomach Hainan, was invited to attend the seminar. During the roundtable discussion on the "Stable Strategic Partnership between China and Brazil", he introduced the cooperation between Sinomach Hainan and Brazil in the agricultural sector.


Mr.Cai Jibo stated that Sinomach Hainan has actively expanded its presence in the Brazilian market, yielding significant results. In 2023, Sinomach Hainan signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with the Government of Mato Grosso State, Brazil (referred to as "Mato Grosso"), Association of Soy and Corn Producers of Mato Grosso , and  Mato Grosso Beef Institute. It reached a comprehensive cooperation agreement on agricultural modernization with the Government of Mato Grosso, as well as business collaborations for the import of 3 million tons of grains and beef. In January of this year, Sinomach Hainan's first shipment of 70,000 tons of soybeans imported from Brazil arrived smoothly in China, successfully establishing a channel for importing bulk agricultural products from Brazil. In the next step, Sinomach Hainan will continue to introduce high-quality agricultural products from Brazil, such as corn, soybeans, beef, and fruits, to better meet the high-quality consumption demands of the Chinese public. Additionally, Sinomach Hainan aims to support Brazil in improving its agricultural machinery, irrigation, storage, and logistics facilities.

In the future, Sinomach Hainan will further expand the Brazilian market and work with the Brazilian people to usher in a new era of friendly cooperation between China and Brazil.

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