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Senior Officials from the FAO, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu Visit Sinomach Hainan to Discuss Blue Economy Development Strategies

Release time:2024-03-26 Article source: Reading times: A+AA-


Haikou,March 25——The delegation led by Mr.Raushan Kumar, Head of the Forestry Office and Environment Improvement Module in the Asia-Pacific Region of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Mr.Lottie Vaisekavea, Permanent Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Livestock of the Solomon Islands, Mr.Samson Viulu, Permanent Secretary of the Rural Development Department of the Solomon Islands, and Mr.Antoine Ravo, Acting Director of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries of Vanuatu, visited Sinomach Hainan. Mr.Cai Jibo, the Chairman of the Board of Sinomach Hainan, received the delegation.



Mr.Raushan Kumar introduced the FAO, the earliest permanent specialized agency within the UN system, which is committed to promoting food and agricultural cooperation among countries, eliminating hunger and poverty, and surrounding the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He expressed the hope of cooperating extensively with Sinomach Hainan in areas such as agriculture and green and low-carbon development, and invited Sinomach Hainan to participate in agricultural project construction in FAO member countries, leveraging its advantages in technology and equipment to contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to solving global hunger, poverty, and other issues.




The senior officials from the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu separately introduced the basic agricultural situation, agricultural development, and marine infrastructure construction needs of their respective countries. They expressed their hope to further improve basic public facilities through in-depth cooperation with Sinomach Hainan, jointly promote agricultural, green and low-carbon development, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.




Mr.Cai Jibo noted that Hainan, adjacent to Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, and the Indian Ocean regions, enjoys unique geographical advantages. Based on clean production, green technology, marine equipment, and circular economy, Sinomach Hainan aims to discuss blue cooperation strategies with coastal and island countries, build a sustainable development "blue engine," and help Hainan become an important opening-up gateway facing the Pacific and Indian Ocean regions and an international new cooperation highland for "One Belt, One Road" project.



As an important external window of Sinomach Group in Hainan Free Trade Port, Sinomach Hainan possesses top-notch international general contracting and construction capabilities, with rich experience and advantages in areas such as agricultural development and island infrastructure construction. Sinomach Hainan is willing to deepen cooperation with the FAO, the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu, utilize advanced Chinese technology and equipment, improve local infrastructure, address bottlenecks in agricultural technology and industrial development, and support local green and low-carbon development.

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