News Release
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Sri Lanka's Minister of Agriculture and Plantation, Mahinda Amaraweera, and his delegation visited Sinomach Hainan to discuss agricultural cooperation

Release time:2023-12-25 Article source: Reading times: A+AA-

On December 23rd, Sri Lanka's Minister of Agriculture and Plantation, Mahinda Amaraweera, and the Chairman of the Coconut Development Authority, Rosen Pereira, along with other senior government officials, visited Sinomach Hainan.


Minister Amaraweera stated that Sri Lanka is a major agricultural country in South Asia and hopes to deepen cooperation with Sinomach Hainan in agricultural technology introduction, agricultural machinery equipment import, agricultural infrastructure construction, agricultural product trade, rubber deep processing, new energy, and other aspects. By leveraging Sinomach's mechanical equipment resources and the international agricultural product supply chain advantages of Sinomach Hainan, Sri Lanka's agricultural modernization level can be improved, Enhance agricultural productivity and expand the sales market of agricultural products.

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