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CCEC participated in charitable auction held in Ukrainian Embassy

Release time:2015-06-26 Article source: Reading times: A+AA-
On May 30th 2015, Ukrainian Embassy in China held a charitable auction “Ukraine No Orphan”. The Money raised will be used to support the orphans in Ukraine.
Over twenty lots of goods were put into this auction. All the goods were donations from all sectors of society between Ukraine and China, include an ancient painting from 1970’s, some modern ornaments made by Ukrainian fine amber, and silver commemoration coins from personal collection of Mr. Oleg Dyomin,the Ukrainian Ambassador in China. By the end of auction, all the goods sold out. The amount of money raised by the auction was over three hundred thousand RMB.
As a state own enterprise who is very responsible of its social responsibility, CCEC shows expressed keen interest after getting invited to the auction. After the auction, CCEC successfully purchased some goods, include an oil painting named “Spring” and a modern ink painting named “Dress of Ukrainian lady”. During the event, representative of CCEC said: ”CCEC is willing to be the best Chinese friend of Ukrainian people. We are willing to make our contribution to the improvement of Ukrainian children’s living condition in order to enhance the friendship between China and Ukraine.” Ukrainian Embassy shows great appreciation of CCEC’s devotion for the event.
CCEC is the first Chinese state own company entered Ukrainian market field, and one of the founder companies of Chinese Commerce association in Ukraine. CCEC has been devoting itself to the charity in both China and Ukraine since entered Ukrainian market, which shows that CCEC takes its own social responsibility. Back to November 2011, CCEC was participated the annual IWCK Holiday Bazaar in Kyiv as the only Chinese sponsor.
For years, CCEC’s contribution in charity field is highly recognized by Ukrainian government and society, which enhanced the awareness of Chinese company with CCEC as the representative. It is not only benefic for the mutual economic activities, but also promote the cultural cooperation between China and Ukraine.

CCEC participated in charity auction

Minister-counsellor Mr. Vasyl Hamianin with representative of CCEC

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